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Let the network operators win the world!

Let the network operators win the world!

Colette Zheng 2014-05-26 16:17:57

Russia local time May 23, 2014 , Chinese Vice President Mr Li led the Chinese delegation to attend the Entrepreneur Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia , and met the entrepreneurs from China. Business delegation in Shenzhen. Under the organization of Shenzhen CCPIT, the entrepreneur delegation in Shenzhen along with China CCPIT delegation of access, and were received. The president of Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce Miss Tong on the behalf of the Shenzhen SME cross-border electricity supplier made ​​a statement, and reported the current status of the Russian cross-border electricity supplier in Shenzhen , and puts forward some tentative prospect.

Shenzhen City Dingrun Light Textile Imp.& Exp. Corp.Ltd fully felt the concern and help of our government for electricity industries and micro enterprises. Especially in Shenzhen, such a good environment for developing business, also got the support from municipal government, those industries which engaged in the electricity supplier, small and micro enterprises will usher in better development.

As a member of the Chamber of Shenzhen Commerce , Shenzhen Dingrun Light Textile Import & Export Corp., Ltd. is very proud of the growing influence of the network, while also looking forward to play a greater role in this platform.