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Lines in the sand tell dramatic stories

Lines in the sand tell dramatic stories

Jordan szdingrun company 2015-01-08 18:09:55

Artist performs and makes dazzling videos for leading companies 

Artist Wang Xin has turned her back on traditional tools and materials such as pencils, charcoal and paintbrushes to create stunning images using an unusual medium-sand.
She uses her skills in stage performances, and has worked for some of the country's top companies. 

Wang started to draw at the age of 5, but her fascination with sand began much later when, in 2008, she was studying graphic design in Ireland.

"One day, I was enchanted by a street artist who was making sand sculptures," said Wang, 31, a graduate of the Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication. "I joined him to play with the sand. 

"It was so interesting to watch him spread sand on the ground and model it into cute shapes such as a puppy or a bear."
Wang started using sand to produce pictures when she returned to China in 2010. 

The above news was reproduced by China towel supplier Shenzhen City Dingrun Light Textile Import and Export Corp.Ltd, a company specialized in producing baby diapers,baby bibs,blankets,bath towels,tea towels,compressed towels,microfibier towels etc.